Just east of this property are 125 acres owned by Neighborhood Planning Company (Armando Guerra, Agustin Herran, Ramon Rasco, Carlos Garcia and Sergio Pino), bought in July 2005 for $15000000, or, $120000 an acre. ...
As you have read, we went on bvacation/b. For 23 days. The first part we spent with Harmony in Gualala, California. Gorgeous. A few pics. . . One of the beaches on Day 1. . . Harmony, Little Man and Big Girl jumping rope with seaweed. b....../b Christiane Davis--Nashville--3376; Christianne bHerran/b--Plano, TX--3997; Christie Caudill--Morehead, KY--3155; Christina Campbell--Waldorf, MD--3159; Christina DeWilde--Plano, TX--4400; Christina Haigh--Stony Point, NY--2816 ...
MACHETE bESTATE/b EN TU VAINA.... Responder. 4 Fui yo | 01/27/09 22:26:24 Tardanza? Pregúntenle al propio presidente municipal de Tuxtla Gutiérrez por la espera que le hizo pasar de 10 HORAS para la salutación de a?o nuevo... rompió su ...